Monday, September 10, 2007

Scientific Revolution: Scientific Method

The Scientific Revolution led to many changes in the way people thought. Many of Aristole's theory's were widly accepted until around the year1 1500. The Scientific Revoltion challenged the old theory's proving many like Aristole's theory that heavier objects fell faster than lighter ones. Galileo and many other modern scientists used the Scientific Method to challenge the older theories.

The Scientific Method has four steps Observation, Analisis, Hypothesis, and Experimentation. Each step allows a scientist to conduct an experiment without bias since they must choose what they belive will be the outcome. Observation is when you well observe the subject you will be conducting experiments on. Analisis is when you gather your thoughts to be begin forming a Hypthesis. You Hypothesis is an educated guess on what the outcome of your experiment will be. The Experiment phase is the final one where you actually conduct the experiment.

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