Thursday, September 6, 2007

Evolution VS Creationism

Evolution vs Creationism is a dispute over the origins of humanity and life on earth. The theory of Evolution came from a man named Charles Darwin. Creationism is based on the events of the Book Genesis.

Evolution is based on the idea that we all have one common ancestor. The idea is that we all evolved from simple organisms through beneficial genetic mutations. The organisms with the new beneficial traits passed it down to their offspring. The organisms without the new beneficial mutation died out leaving the stronger organisms. This is called Natural Selection. Natural Selcetion preserves the new beneficial mutations while getting rid of the weaker organisms.

Creationism is based on the events of the book Genesis(for Jewish and Christian people) and the Qur'an(for Muslim people). It states that God created everything there is and that the world reshaped the world using floods. There is also another kind of Creationism "Progressive Creationism" where no floods occured. Intelligent Design is another form of creationism where the universe was created by divine intervention.

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