Friday, December 14, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007

"The White Man's Burden"

The white man's burden is the idea that the Caucasian people were supposed to help and teach the other races how to act and live. I agree that people who are wealthier should help those less fortunate but it should have nothing to do with race.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The scramble for Africa

The scramble for Africa was during the late 1800's and early 1900's when European countries began dividing up Africa. The countries that divided up Africa were France, Britain, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and Italy. The European countries wanted Africa for its untapped natural resources. The reason that the Europeans were able to conquer the African people was because they has many technologies like guns that the Africans had never seen before. This scramble hurt many African people because it broke alliances between tribes and placed enemies together.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Meiji Restoration of Japan

The Meiji era of Japan is considered to be their version of the industrial revolution. Matthew Perry was an American Commodore whi in 1853 visited Japan with a fleet of four warships. He had a request from the American government for Japan to open up its ports and allow them to restock their ships with Coal, Water and other things they may have needed. The Japanese had been in isolation for hundreds of years and were both imprssed and scared of the massive ships, because of that fear Matthew Perry was able to bully Japan into signing the treaty.

Durring the Meiji era Japan's econonomy was bumpy. When the foreigners first arrived the economy began to fail as American and European products were being sold at lower prices than Japanese products. The foreign products were also of better quality than the Japanese products. The Japanese were able to finally modernize when the emperor Meiji began his reign in 1868. The Japanese decided to take a the best parts of the strongest modern nations while avoiding the mistakes most of them made. This industrialized and modernized Japan.

An Archipelago is a chain or group of islands

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The French Revolution: Social Causes

The French Revolution was caused by the social changes following the enlightenment. The three classes (The clergy,Nobility, and Everyone else). The Third Class absorbed many of the Enlightenment ideas(Democracy, Freedom)and wanted to put them in place. The French people wanted more representation in the estates general since they only got one vote yet the 2%(the Nobles/Clergy)Of the population got two votes. On the 14th of July the French people stormed The Bastile. Bastile had many weapons and amunition, The bastile was also a symbol of the tyranny within the monarch.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Copernicus and the Trial of Galileo

Durring Galileo's time many people belived that the sun and everything revolved around the Earth. This was called Geocentrism, Galileo bellived that the Earth actually revolved around the sun. This is called Heliocentrism. Galileo's belifes in the Heliocentric system caused him many problems with the church. He was placed on trial and was sent to prison for his belife in the Heliocentric idea. His books, along with Copernicus and Kepler's were put on the banned reading list.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Scientific Revolution: Scientific Method

The Scientific Revolution led to many changes in the way people thought. Many of Aristole's theory's were widly accepted until around the year1 1500. The Scientific Revoltion challenged the old theory's proving many like Aristole's theory that heavier objects fell faster than lighter ones. Galileo and many other modern scientists used the Scientific Method to challenge the older theories.

The Scientific Method has four steps Observation, Analisis, Hypothesis, and Experimentation. Each step allows a scientist to conduct an experiment without bias since they must choose what they belive will be the outcome. Observation is when you well observe the subject you will be conducting experiments on. Analisis is when you gather your thoughts to be begin forming a Hypthesis. You Hypothesis is an educated guess on what the outcome of your experiment will be. The Experiment phase is the final one where you actually conduct the experiment.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Evolution VS Creationism

Evolution vs Creationism is a dispute over the origins of humanity and life on earth. The theory of Evolution came from a man named Charles Darwin. Creationism is based on the events of the Book Genesis.

Evolution is based on the idea that we all have one common ancestor. The idea is that we all evolved from simple organisms through beneficial genetic mutations. The organisms with the new beneficial traits passed it down to their offspring. The organisms without the new beneficial mutation died out leaving the stronger organisms. This is called Natural Selection. Natural Selcetion preserves the new beneficial mutations while getting rid of the weaker organisms.

Creationism is based on the events of the book Genesis(for Jewish and Christian people) and the Qur'an(for Muslim people). It states that God created everything there is and that the world reshaped the world using floods. There is also another kind of Creationism "Progressive Creationism" where no floods occured. Intelligent Design is another form of creationism where the universe was created by divine intervention.