Thursday, March 20, 2008

Film Lesson: "Schindler's List"

"Schindler's List" shows the Holocaust just how it occurred with Hollywood drama and some fiction thrown in. The most powerful scene had to be when the Nazi Army was killing and moving everyone out of the Krakow ghetto. Seeing people fight for hiding spots under the floor, in ovens, and even in the back of a piano it showed how much the Jewish people feared the Nazi's and what they threatened to do to them. I doubt I will forget the scene when the Nazi's separate the women and children because they are going to be killing them. It let the viewer see how ruthless the Nazi army was.

Film Lesson: "Night and Fog"

"Night and Fog" was pretty good for a documentary it blended the footage of Auschwitiz 10 years after the holocaust with the little amount there was of video of Auschwitiz during the Holocaust. "Schindler's List" had better scenes since they actually created footage and had the footage work for them instead of writing for the footage. "Night and Fog" depicts the Holocaust in a more realistic way since it is a documentary and "Schindler's List" had some drama and fiction worked into it.